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Ravus’ hand by Indigo Nelson Spoiler Warning!

This article may contain plot details from Tithe, Valiant, and Ironside

Rath Roiben Rye is the Lord of the Court of Termites.

Physical Description[]

Roiben is tall and pale, with long silvery white hair. He has an angular face with a sharp nose and cheek bones, pointed ears, and gray “mercury” eyes.


He sometimes lets slip a dry sense of humor, with witty, often biting remarks.


A noble Seelie knight traded to the Unseelie Queen before the beginning of the novel as part of a truce agreement between the two courts.

He was once the lover of the Seelie Queen, Silarial, but his feelings were unrequited.

He is a strong fighter and feared by many for the acts of violence and cruelty that Nicnevin compels him to commit. Inwardly hating the cruelty he is forced to perform, he harbours deep feelings of self-loathing, guilt, and despair.

He has a strong attraction to Kaye for reasons he does not initially understand.

He has a younger sister, Ethine, who was manipulated into despising her brother and his role in the Unseelie Court. Ethine's place in the plot begins when she cuts her hair to signify her grief over his death, all the while present for his coronation. The relationship gets further complicated when Silarial eventually challenges Roiben for his crown. She names as Ethine her champion to duel him.

After the Queen's death, Ethine is made heir to the Bright Court. She later gives up the throne out of spite, expressing her hatred for her brother.



Kaye Fierch[]

Roiben and Kaye are in a romantic relationship. They first meet in the forest when Roiben is being followed by people who are trying to kill him. Roiben and Kaye then formed a friendship and became protective of each other.

They later started a relationship which Roiben ends in an attempt to keep Kaye safe. However they then restarted their relationship at the end of Ironside.


Roiben was the lover of Queen Silarial. He was in love with Silarial and would have done anything to make her happy. However, she traded him for Nephamael in the Queen’s trade, which was supposed to show a truce between the Seelie and the Unseelie Court.

Roiben eventually came to resent Silarial, viewing her actions as sadistic and manipulative.



To be added.

