This wiki contains administrators and bureaucrats that make sure comments are civil and polite, as well as make and keep pages canon/factual.
For any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask any one of us for help. Any suggestions to improve and help this wiki grow are always welcome.
Administrator username | Nickname | Position | Status |
Indikos (wall • contribs)
Indigo | Admin | |
Larken89 (wall • contribs) | Lark | Admin/Bureaucrat | |
Lollmarijx (wall • contribs) | N/A | Founder |
Status | Description |
These administrators log on frequently to edit and/or browse the wiki. They are the best users to contact. | |
These administrators don't log on all the time, though are still relatively frequent. | |
For whatever reason, these administrators haven't logged onto the wiki for an extended period of time. |
Administrators' Time Zones[]
For the most accurate times, you should refresh the page.Administrator | Time Zone | Current Time |
Indikos | EDT (UTC-4) | 13:45, February 7, 2025 (Friday) |
Larken89 | GMT (UTC+2) | 19:45, February 7, 2025 (Friday) |